
Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 30th: Motion Explosion Swing Dance for Beginners

The Motion Explosion is a fun innovative way to learn Swing Dancing!

You will start you off dancing by yourself, so you get the steps and the rhythms (without worrying about a partner) and then you'll learn how to do the same moves with a partner!

No partner is necessary. The level of the class is good for complete beginners and experienced beginner/intermediate dancers who want to learn "Lindy Hop Movement" and work on how their body moves and not just memorize patterns.

You will:
- Move
- Grove
- Break sweat
- Learn some swing dancing moves
- Have FUN!

The Motion Explosion Dance company, founded by Michael Terkwoski, performs and teaches swing in San Francisco. Learn from working dancers who once were in your shoes, and who want to see you dancing on the dance floor tonight!

For more info about Michael Terkwoski and Motion Explosion Swing Dance Classes:

8pm-9pm: Beginning swing dance lesson taught by Michael Terkowski and Claire Oldfield.
9pm-midnight: Deejay Battle—Alex Fernandez vs. Autumn LaVarta.

For more info about the party and to receive discounts: